Walk the Earth as Christs!
Walk the Earth as Christs! For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.
I was there, and my angels were with me. Together we sounded forth the love radiance that penetrated the darkest night and announced the glory of your coming into this world of form.
I, Uriel, greet you this day in memory of that sacred hour when thy birth into form occurred. The angels of ministration were with me, and they attended upon the tender cries which heralded the coming of another son, another manifestation of light from the heart of the mighty God of very gods, who looked down upon you and said, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”[1]
Precious ones, I bring to you this day the great love of the Father’s heart. And my angels are with me. We bring to you the tender ministration’s flame—the buoyant flame which raises you up in those hours of trial, those hours when the darkness of the gloom would place fear and doubt upon your consciousness.
Remember that mighty flame of resurrection and remember the power of victory—the victory of the Christ that is e’er within you, even as that mighty threefold flame beats the pulsations of the Father’s love within your heart.
Beloved ones, you have heard the mandates of Victory.[2] And I am here to help you to outpicture them, to make them secure within you by the power of the mighty love ray from the secret love star.
Precious ones, with the power of the will to do and its illumination comes the love which gives you that mighty blessing of light enabling you to swiftly move through the years and attain that perfection which is your supreme and mighty goal.
I remember well, of old, the ministrations which were given by the angelic hosts unto that beloved one, Jesus the Christ. I remember well the night of his descent into the world of form. The stars seemed to twinkle with a brilliance they had not known at the coming of this beloved son. And indeed, to follow his star was the privilege not only of the shepherds, but of the angels who came to stand guard around his mother and his father.
Precious ones, each birth is sacred. It is holy and conceived immaculately within the mind of the great Father/Mother principle of Life. Pray, then, with the angels of ministration for those blessed ones who come into the world of form without the knowledge of the sacred fire, without anyone around them to herald their coming—those who descend into poverty, into darkness, into the halls of sin.
Remember with us the immaculate concept of the annunciation of our beloved Gabriel, that magnificent cohort of light.[3] For to this hour, he announces the birth of each child to the Holy Christ Self of the mother. And if the mothers of the earth could but behold his splendid face, they would have some glimpse of the face of the Father and his great love for each one who comes to earth determined to win his victory!
I say to you today, at the close of this Freedom class: You are sons of light. And we move forward with you to minister unto you throughout this year and the years to come, as you step higher and higher in the spiral of light, glorifying your way, by the power of the mighty Presence of God, back to his heart.
It is our desire to assist you to carry the light which you have been given—to assist you and to amplify with you the power of your decrees by that mighty Spirit of Resurrection which resurrects from the very depths of your world, the far recesses and corners of your conscious and subconscious minds, all of that which is not of the light and sends it forth to the heart of your Presence as a mighty victory of light, as a jewel in the heart of your God-being.
Precious ones, I AM Uriel, begotten of the Father’s heart to perform this service unto men. And therefore, this day we of the angelic hosts pledge to you this tremendous service of light which shall assist you, as you all desire to do, to follow the mandates and the pleas and the decisions of the councils of light of the ascended hosts.
We have but one request of you: that you determine within your hearts to not let a day go by that you do not think upon your mighty God Presence and offer your devotions, your adorations, and your ministrations unto this mighty Source of Life. For it is through this God Presence that we are able to penetrate the darkness that is around you, that we are able to descend and walk with you, and that you are able to ascend into our presence.
By this mutuality of service, this cosmic cooperation, we can move forward, we can conquer the night! We can conquer it by right and by light and by the might of the Holy One, of the Holy Spirit of God!
We commend you, therefore, unto the keeping of your God Presence, in whose light shall ye see light and in whose light ye can never fail. The Presence of God never fails! And if mankind will simply align themselves with this mighty force, this mighty God-power, there can be no further separation.
For it is separation which is failure. It is separation which is doubt. It is separation which is fear. And I say that separation is a lie, that it never existed in the mind and heart of God, and it shall not exist within you if you but heed my words this day and accept the mighty dispensations of light given to you! Accept them and become one with your God Presence!
This is the way of victory. This is the way of supreme allegiance, of perfect love. And that perfect love which you bear to the heart of your Creator shall deliver you from every erroneous way, every flaw, every byway, every sidetracking of the carnal mind.
For one with God is the majority of the universe. And the majority of the universe, who are ascended beings, salute you this day and greet you in the name of cosmic victory! And one and all, they are chorusing unto you: Come up higher! Come up higher! Come up higher and be one with the mighty Presence of God which we have gained, which we have attained. For there is nothing outside the circle of perfection that is worth keeping, that is worth clinging to, that is worth having in preference to that mighty perfection which is the sphere of blazing, dazzling glory that is the supreme, mighty Central Sun!
Walk with me now into the heart of the Sun, into the heart of the mighty fire of Life. And if you think that you have been warm, I tell you, you know not in your unascended state the power and the tremendous heat of the mighty fires of heaven when they contact human creation.
Therefore, leave your bundles behind and come as fire sparks and spirits of light, and you will be comfortable. Leave behind your old ways. Leave behind your knapsacks. They are not needed in heaven. And you know, precious ones, they are not even needed upon earth. For my angels are here! They are with me! And they are here to see that you have all that you require in the fullness of God’s heart each step of the way home.
And the angels of light, if you but give them the authority in your world, will see that you have the supply, the substance, and the nourishment that you require all the days of your life. For as our beloved Jesus has told you: Consider the lilies of the field; they toil not, neither do they spin. Yet they are even more arrayed than the glory of Solomon. And the birds of the air, do they not find lodging in the trees?[4]
Therefore, leave behind your sacred trusts that you have placed in the heart of the earth, and place that trust in the supreme Essence of all Life. For that Life is flowing and flowing and flowing through the mighty silver cord which beats your heart. If you would but give attention to that God Presence and that mighty silver cord, do you know that you could expand and expand and expand the power of that silver cord until it is as large as your own tube of light, showering you with all the blessings of heaven twenty-four hours a day?
Is there not lingering within you, within your heart, that desire of the Christ to walk the earth as Jesus did, to walk the earth in the joy of dominion of Christ-mastery? Are you going to wait until you pass from the screen of life, until you are ascended—if you do ascend—to reap the rewards of mastery?
Do you not realize what a great joy it is to be able to walk among mankind as a master of life in the flesh while ye are yet dwelling here and to give to the mankind of earth that succor of love and cosmic ministration which they require to find the great golden age that is within them?
Blessed ones, I tell you, you are the full awareness of God-potential when you go to that Source which is the Father. And you can walk the earth as the Son. And you can be the focus for the mighty Holy Spirit. And you can bear witness and testimony to the threefold action of the mighty unfed flame that is within you.
I say to you, Accept this challenge that I give you this day. For with the challenge comes my promise to help you along the way. I say to you, walk the earth as Christs. Put off the old garment! Put it off and be transfigured in the mighty transfiguring flame of Life!
Step into the role of the Holy Christ Self. Step into the role of the Comforter. And you shall have all of the angels of your entire solar system at your command if you but determine to do God’s will in love and in wisdom, in peace and in humility.
For all of heaven converges upon the one son of light who determines to manifest his victory. All of heaven descends to give that one the full impetus of light. It but requires the determined effort made within the heart.
And it need not be made known to your fellowmen, for they will see the light within you, as even they did see it in the Christ. No need to proclaim it, for the angels of heaven are singing of your victory and of your light already. You need not tell others that you have found the pearl of great price,[5] for they will see it as a mighty halo of cosmic rainbow substance in your aura.
None can deny the Son of God. None can put him to death. None can trample upon him, though they would try. For their days are numbered, and they are as the chaff. Into the wind it goes—and the fires of heaven consume it![6]
Therefore, realize within your heart that in reality there is no opposition against the sons of God upon this earth that they do not have the full dominion and power and victory to overcome and to vanquish. Therefore, why do ye tarry? Why do ye tarry, when all of heaven stands upon your side? But speak the Word and expect the answer, and behold the victory of light.
This is our message to you this day. This is our message—that your victory is here. And we are here with you to see that you attain it. Come, then, and be followers of God as dear children,[7] and you will awake in the glory of Christ manhood to find your eternal victory, your eternal freedom, your eternal ascension in the light.
I thank you, and I bless you with all the love of my heart and the love of the angels of my band.
Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 25 No. 50 – Beloved Archangel Uriel – December 12, 1982
Invocation to the Beloved Flame of Resurrection
Beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, and Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, by and through the magnetic power of the immortal victorious threefold flame of love, wisdom, and power anchored within my heart, I AM invoking the flame of resurrection from the heart of God in the Great Central Sun, from beloved Alpha and Omega, beloved Jesus the Christ, beloved Mother Mary, beloved Archangel Gabriel and Uriel, the angels of the Resurrection Temple, beloved Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth:
Beloved flame of resurrection,
Blaze through me thy light always;
Beloved flame, resuscitation,
Make my heart to sing thy praise.
O blazing white Christ radiance
Of God’s own I AM fire,
Expand thy blessed purity
And free me from all wrong desire.
Beloved flame of resurrection,
Rise and rise to love’s great height;
Blessed flame, regeneration,
Guide all men by thy great light.
I AM, I AM, I AM thy chalice free
Through whose crystal substance clear
All can see the Christ flame lily
Of eternity appear
Blazing, blazing, blazing! (3x)
And in full faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest (3x) right here and now with full power, eternally sustained, all powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the light and free! Beloved I AM, beloved I AM, beloved I AM!
[1] Matt. 3:17; 17:5.
[2] Refers to the dictation of Mighty Victory, “Become the Master of Yourself,” delivered preceding Archangel Uriel’s address; on 2-cassette album Victory in the Holy City (A7710).
[3] Luke 1:26-38.
[4] Matt. 6:26-29.
[5] Matt. 13:46.
[6] Pss. 1:4; Hos. 13:3; Matt. 3:12.
[7] Eph. 5:1.
Fiats of the Lord printed in bold type are to be used by the disciples of Christ as mantras and dynamic decrees in the science of the spoken Word. Keepers of the Flame are encouraged to compose their own affirmations based on the teachings given in the Pearls of Wisdom.
This dictation by Archangel Uriel was delivered through the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet July 4, 1966, during the 1966 Freedom class at the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Introductory quotation: I John 5:4. Archangel Uriel, whose name means “fire of God” or “God is my light,” is one of the leading angels of noncanonical tradition in which he appears as a seraph, cherub, flame of God, angel of the Presence, and presider over Tartarus (Hades). In I Enoch 20:2, he is the holy angel “who presides over clamour and terror”; he is also the angelic guide who accompanies Enoch in his journeys through heaven and the underworld. In Paradise Lost III, Milton describes Uriel as “Regent of the Sun” and “sharpest sighted spirit of all in Heaven.” As the archangel of salvation in II Esdras, he acts as interpreter of Ezra’s visions and instructs him in the secrets of the universe. Although there is an obscure “Saint Uriel,” whose symbol is a flame held in an open hand, Archangel Uriel is noticeably absent from Catholic tradition. According to the Capitular of Charlemagne, 789 A.D., the worship of Uriel was further rejected by a Roman Church Council under Pope Zachary. In ascended master teaching, Uriel and his divine complement, Aurora, are honored as the archangel and archeia of the sixth (purple and gold) ray of peace—it is the flame of Jesus Christ and the Piscean dispensation. They serve together to focus the flame of ministration and service and maintain an etheric retreat in the Tatra Mountains, south of Cracow, Poland. The presence of Uriel can be magnetized by the playing and singing of Brahms’ Lullaby.